Reclaiming expenses

Despite the fact that, according to HM Revenue & Customs, “the general rule for employees’ expenses is very restrictive”, there is scope for obtaining tax relief of which some people may be unaware.

The condition for company directors and employees obtaining relief is that expenses must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of business (the rules for the self-employed are less restrictive).

The cost of business travel can be claimed, but not for the journey between home and work. If it is necessary to stay overnight, the cost of accommodation can be claimed, as also can subsistence, congestion charges and tolls and parking charges.

The cost of subscriptions to professional organisations can usually be claimed and those working from home can claim the cost of phone calls, gas and electricity attributable to their work. However, it is not permissible to claim relief in respect of expenses which are incurred partly for business and partly for personal purposes, such as everyday clothing

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Reclaiming expenses

Despite the fact that, according to HM Revenue & Customs, “the general rule for employees’ expenses is very restrictive”, there is scope for obtaining tax relief of which some people may be unaware.

The condition for company directors and employees obtaining relief is that expenses must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of business (the rules for the self-employed are less restrictive).

The cost of business travel can be claimed, but not for the journey between home and work. If it is necessary to stay overnight, the cost of accommodation can be claimed, as also can subsistence, congestion charges and tolls and parking charges.

The cost of subscriptions to professional organisations can usually be claimed and those working from home can claim the cost of phone calls, gas and electricity attributable to their work. However, it is not permissible to claim relief in respect of expenses which are incurred partly for business and partly for personal purposes, such as everyday clothing